Honea Sion M.

Υπόμνημα εις τον Παρμενίδην Πλάτωνος [Ανωνύμου συνέχεια του υπομνήματος Πρόκλου]

Ακαδημία Αθηνών (1989)

The series "Philosophi Byzantini" is published by the Academy of Athens under the auspices of the International Union of Academies and the supervison of an international commitee (L. Benakis, R. Browing, H. Hunger, C. A. Trypanis, G. Verbeke, D. Zakynthinos). Director of the series is Dr. Linos Benakis. The present edition is the outcome of a seminar in the edition of Greek texts, held in the Department of Classics, State University of New York at Buffalo, in the fall of 1983. The participants were: Thomas A. Gadra (1960), B.A.; Sion M. Honea (1952), B.M., M.A.; Patricia...

Υπόμνημα εις τον Παρμενίδην Πλάτωνος [Ανωνύμου συνέχεια του υπομνήματος Πρόκλου]

Ακαδημία Αθηνών (1989)

The series "Philosophi Byzantini" is published by the Academy of Athens under the auspices of the International Union of Academies and the supervison of an international commitee (L. Benakis, R. Browing, H. Hunger, C. A. Trypanis, G. Verbeke, D. Zakynthinos). Director of the series is Dr. Linos Benakis. The present edition is the outcome of a seminar in the edition of Greek texts, held in the Department of Classics, State University of New York at Buffalo, in the fall of 1983. The participants were: Thomas A. Gadra (1960), B.A.; Sion M. Honea (1952), B.M., M.A.; Patricia...

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