Ισαάκ Atallah Ιερομόναχος 1937-1998

Saint Paisios of Mount Athos

Ιερά Μονή Οσίου Αρσενίου του Καππαδόκου (2016)

A year and a half has already passed since the 13th January 2015, the day when Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain was declared a Saint of Orthdox Church by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Since then he has been venerated as a Saint, even though he was considered a Saint during his lifetime. A special service has been written for his name day, the 12th July, icons of him have been written. The appropriate honor and devotion is his. This has been a great, long awaited and joyous event; a pleasant, yet not unexpected surprise, given to us by God'...

Elder Paisios of Mount Athos

Ιερά Μονή Οσίου Αρσενίου του Καππαδόκου (2012)

[...] This biography, written by his close spiritual disciple Elder Isaac and universally recognized as the most authoritative account of his life, has been reprinted numerous times in numerous languages. The life and virtues of the elder are exhaustively and accurately sketched in profound simplicity, revealing the spiritual brilliance which shone forth from his heart, enveloping on all who drew near. In part one, we are led step by step through the development of a contemporary saint: from his origins in Cappadocia and early spiritual zeal, through his monastic beginni...

Βίος Γέροντος Παϊσίου του Αγιορείτου

Ιερόν Ησυχαστήριον Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Πρόδρομος (2004)

Για τον μακαριστό γέροντα Παΐσιο έχουν δημοσιευθεί από διαφόρους πολλά, τα οποία πραγματικά ωφέλησαν και τον έκαναν περισσότερο γνωστό. Αλλά όσα κυκλοφόρησαν αναφέρονται κυρίως στην διδασκαλία και στα θαύματά του με ελάχιστα βιογραφικά στοιχεία. Την έλλειψη μιας συστηματικής βιογραφίας του Γέροντα διεπίστωσε ένα από τα πνευματικά του τέκνα, ο Γέροντάς μας ιερομόναχος Ισαάκ, και απεφάσισε να αναπληρώσει το κενό. [...]

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