Murder in Mykonos

Murder in Mykonos

"When politically incorrect, hotshot detective Andreas Kaldis is promoted out of Athens to serve as police chief for Greece's island paradise of Mykonos, he's certain his homicide days are over. Murders don't happen in tourist heaven; at least that's what he's thinking as he stares at the remains of a young woman found ritually bound and buried on a pile of human bones inside a remote mountain church. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, bodies, bones, and suspects start turning up almost everywhere he looks-and another victim disappears. With his investigation suddenly a rescue operation, Andreas finds himself plunging into ancient myths and forgotten island places in a race toward a shattering finale." "Jeffrey Siger sees Mykonos through the eyes of a tourist and as a resident for 25 years. But most of all he looks at the island as a writer, crafting a tale of intrigue and suspense against a scenic background. His knowledge of the terrain is matched by his love for the people and all their quirks... "Murder in Mykonos" is a hugely enjoyable read. Both disturbing and compelling, it delivers colorful, creepy fun through characters you hope will be back for many more books." (The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

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