The Emptiness Beyond

The Emptiness Beyond

Ο τρόμος του κενού

Two friends trapped in adolescence. Their first encounter with Woman and the supernatural. Constant reassessment of values and a heroine out of Lewis Carroll. Arrangements to meet at night at her parents' house. Reading Albert Camus and caviar-parties for four. The Dawn Spirits and the fugitive abbot. An apparition from Hell. The golden decade of the 1970s and the nymphomaniac chimera. Long live virgins! In order words, a very tender love story. Or, The Emptiness Beyond

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

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Η σκιά του κυβερνήτη

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Δεν ήξερες... δεν ρώταγες!

Έρως 13

Έρως 13

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