The Fisherman and his Soul. The Star-Child

The Fisherman and his Soul. The Star-Child

Intermediate Level

Βιβλίο της σειράς ILS English series με κορυφαία λογοτεχνικά έργα στο πρωτότυπο αγγλικό κείμενο και ενσωματωμένο λεξικό για εύκολη ανάγνωση. Ιδανικό για παιδιά σε επίπεδο lower. These are two of Wilde's most moving fairy tales. "The Star Child" tells the story of a beautiful boy who becomes incredibly ugly after he refuses to recognize his real mother. "The Fisherman and his Soul" relates the adventures of a young fisherman who gives up his soul because he falls in love with a beautiful mermaid.

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