Getting to Grips with Technical English

Getting to Grips with Technical English

Book 1

"Getting to grips with Technical English" is a series of four books written for the students of the Technical and Mechanical Engineering Schools. The books have been graded into A, B, C and D according to the students' studies and the Ievel of difficulty presented in each text. Books Α and Β can be used by any technical student with an elementary knowledge of English as the texts included were not selected only for Mechanical Engineering students. In writing these books, I am to develop students reading skills and to provide them with the essential vocabulary and grammatical forms and structures necessary for an understanding of authentic texts of a technical nature. I hope that, after completing this course, your students will be encouraged to go on reading text books, manuals and other trade literature in English. These books deal with important vocabulary and structural points necessary for the understanding of texts of this nature. The vocabulary and grammar is Iearnt through a series of unique exercises given after each text. Spaces are provided for the students to write in their answers and in this way, these books have all the features of a workbook. (also useful for revising for tests). The majority of texts are authentic and have been carefully selected to be of value and interest to your students. Ιn the appendix section I there is a number of texts for translation into Greek and vice versa which give students the opportunity to practice translation skills.

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