Traveller Level C1: Companion

Traveller Level C1: Companion

"Traveller" is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8 topic-based modules. Course features: - Motivating and contemporary topics with multicultural and cross-curricular information - Lively dialogues presenting real spoken English - An integrated approach to the development of the four skills - Special emphasis on vocabulary building - Grammar presented and practised in context - Systematic development of reading and listening skills and subskills - A variety of communicative tasks - Step-by-step approach to writing - Activities encouraging critical thinking and personal response - Practical tips helping students to become autonomous learners - A round-up section in each module providing regular revision and consolidation - A grammar reference section - Culture / Cross Curricular pages with web links - Songs

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Traveller B1

Traveller B1

MM Publications
Pop up 3

Pop up 3

MM Publications
Lisa Goes to London

Lisa Goes to London

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