New Generation: Michigan ECPE Practice Tests: Student's Book

New Generation: Michigan ECPE Practice Tests: Student's Book

New Generation Practice Tests for the Michigan ECPE aims to help candidates achieve their objective by giving them not only adequate examination practice, but also a systematic review of the language encountered at proficiency level. Key features are: - Additional practice in Grammar, covering 500 grammatical points, to ensure that candidates are prepared for any grammatical phenomena they may encounter in the exam. - Additional Vocabulary practice, covering over 3,500 words, presented alphabetically, to help candidates deal with the problematic vocabulary section by exposing them to as many words as possible. - Special emphasis on writing, supplying candidates with the techniques and skills they need to help them write coherently and correctly. - 15 Speaking tests with vocabulary helplines to enable candidates to enhance their fluency and accuracy when speaking, along with help and guidance for teachers, all written according to the latest specifications. - Authentic dialogs and talks in the Listening tests, presented in the new format.

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Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test: Student's Book

Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test: Student's Book

Grivas Publications
Gateway 2

Gateway 2

Grivas Publications
Exploring english 1

Exploring english 1

Grivas Publications
Writing Skills for the ECPE: Student's Book

Writing Skills for the ECPE: Student's Book

Grivas Publications
243.185 Βιβλία
122.584 Συντελεστές
4.631 Εκδότες
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