The Age of the Argo

The Age of the Argo

Argonauts, Centaurs, Lapiths: A Magical Journey to Mycenaean Greece in the 13th Century B.C.

Jason and the Argonauts' legendary exploits are one of the best-loved Greek myths. In this historical novella, Niki Drossou-Panayiotou draws on ancient texts and archaeological research to bring to life the tale of the young prince who reclaims the throne of lolcus by sailing across the world on a dangerous quest for the Golden Fleece. Argonauts, Centaurs, and Lapiths spring from the pages, painting a historically accurate picture of daily life in Mycenaean palaces and cities. Through lively, literary description, the author provides a factual context for mythology's fictions, from the Greeks' colonization of the Mediterranean to the true reasons that led to the Trojan War.

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