Practice Examinations for the New Cambridge Proficiency

Practice Examinations for the New Cambridge Proficiency

Book 1: 8 Complete Exams: Teacher's Book

Practice Examinations for the New Cambridge Proficiency Book 1 and Book 2 both contain 8 complete practice examinations covering all 5 papers (Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking). Through a detailed study of materials provided by UCLES, and through Iiaison with UCLES representatives, the authors have designed materials which -conform exactly to UCLES specifications for the revised format -reflect the Ievel of Ianguage required by the new exam -cover the range of topics specified by UCLES -expose students to contemporary , challenging texts -prepare candidates thoroughly in all exercise types -present students with Ianguage from a wide range of sources Clear Iayout and the use of colour photographs, together with professional Iistening exercises, help to make the course an essential part of students' preparation. The accompanying Teacher's Book provides a complete overlaid key to all exercises, including Use of English summary writing, as well as notes for the teacher οn the changes to the Cambridge Proficiency ίn English examination.

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