Michigan Proficiency ECPE SWL - GCVR: Student's Book

Michigan Proficiency ECPE SWL - GCVR: Student's Book

Speaking, Listenign, Writing

Michigan ECPE SWL - 11 NEW-Format Speaking Practice Tests accompanied by 9 Speaking Preparation Units - 8 Complete Listening Tests accompanied by 2nd-time extra Listening practice - 11 Writing Preparation Units accompanied by 11 complete Writing Practice Tests - 2 full-length GCVR Practice Tests - 3 Audio CDs It helps students: 1. improve their general Writing & Speaking skills at an advanced level, and, 2 get familiar with the format of the Michigan ECPE sections on Writing, Listening, and Speaking - Step by step teaching of the basic Writing skills that students need in order to succeed in advanced-level exams.

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