Routes Through Athens

Routes Through Athens

A Unique Tour through the Sites of the Historical Centre of the City

Διαδρομές στην Αθήνα

"Routes through Athens" is a personal tour through the historical Athens city centre to places where monuments from all periods of the city's history, from antiquity to the present day, stand side by side. The poems were written from 1995 to autumn 2001. Composer Christos Nikolopoulos has set eleven of these to music, along with five others of similar content not included in this volume. They were released on CD in December 2002 under the same title (in greek "Diadromes") as this volume of poetry. Fondas Ladis

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

Σχετικά Βιβλία

Στα βάθη του έρωτα

Στα βάθη του έρωτα

Εκδόσεις Πνοές Λόγου και Τέχνης
Γλυπτών παλιννόστησις

Γλυπτών παλιννόστησις

Εκδόσεις Αέναον
Τα ποιήματα του 2009

Τα ποιήματα του 2009

Κοινωνία των (δε)κάτων
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122.584 Συντελεστές
4.631 Εκδότες
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