A Love Episode

A Love Episode

A Love Episode is the eighth novel in the Rougon-Macquart series by Emile Zola, set among the petite bourgeoisie in Second Empire suburban Paris. The story takes place in 1854-1855. When the novel begins, Helene has been widowed 18 months, living in what was then the Paris suburb of Passy with her 11-year-old daughter Jeanne. Her husband Charles Grandjean fell ill the day after they arrived from Marseilles and died eight days later. On the night the novel opens, Jeanne has fallen ill with a violent seizure. In panic, Helene runs into the street to find a doctor. Eventually, she begs her neighbor Dr. Henri Deberle to come attend Jeanne, and his ministrations save the girl's life. Later that week, Helene goes to thank Dr. Deberle, and befriends his wife Juliette and her circle of friends, including Monsieur Malignon, a handsome, wealthy man-about-town who is exceptionally comfortable in female society.

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