Two Friends at Panagia Tsampika on Rhodes

Two Friends at Panagia Tsampika on Rhodes

Δύο φίλοι στην Παναγία Τσαμπίκα της Ρόδου

Verbal preserved the narrative of the miraculous arrival of the precious icon and the countless miracles of Our Lady ("Kyraa") Panagia. Presbytera Eleni Lephaki-Stati records this verbal tradition in her own way for our children to hear. And not only for children, because once we were all children, and the Kingdom of God belongs to those who continue, and the Kingdom of God belongs to those who continue to live in the blessed childhood of the heart. (+ Kyrillos, Metropolitan of Rhodes)

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

Σχετικά Βιβλία

Δύο φίλοι στην Παναγία Τσαμπίκα της Ρόδου

Δύο φίλοι στην Παναγία Τσαμπίκα της Ρόδου

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