7 More Practice Examinations for the Michigan ECCE

7 More Practice Examinations for the Michigan ECCE

Certificate of Copentency: Book 2: Student's Book

The book contains: -7 complete tests modeled on the actual 2003 examination -Extra grammar homework -Extra vocabulary, phrasal verb and idiom homework -Derivative charts -Guided oral interviews -34 Model compositions and model letters with rough outlines -Glossary in Greek

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

Σχετικά Βιβλία

Michigan Proficiency 40 Preliminary Tests

Michigan Proficiency 40 Preliminary Tests

Sylvia Kar Publications
10 Practice Final Examination for the Michigan Proficiency

10 Practice Final Examination for the Michigan Proficiency

Sylvia Kar Publications
10 More Practice Final Examinations for the Michigan Proficiency

10 More Practice Final Examinations for the Michigan Proficiency

Sylvia Kar Publications
Targeting Michigan Proficiency

Targeting Michigan Proficiency

Sylvia Kar Publications
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