The Lions’ Sword

The Lions’ Sword

Το σπαθί των λεόντων

A sword is the symbol of power in the country called Myrolousia: the lions' sword. Because of the sword the neighbouring kingdoms remained united and, with the sword, King Nikolaos Chrysodimos led them into a victorious battle against the enemy lying in wait for them. Yet it was the same sword that caused the king's death in the hands of the assassin named Scorpion. Scorpion went to the Old Willow Forest to be paid for his services. What dangers awaited him in that forest? What adventures would he get embroiled in? Who was the 'two-headed thief'? Who was the man hiding behind the name of 'Crimson Dragon', the unidentified foe of Dimitris Chrysodimos? Is this Scorpion's story, after all, or is it simply the story of the renowned lions' sword? The answers to the above questions lie hidden deep in the pages of this book - a book with many twists and turns and an unexpected ending...

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