Imaret: Three Gods, One City

Imaret: Three Gods, One City

A Novel

Ιμαρέτ: Στη σκιά του ρολογιού

Arta, 1854. The Turkish occupation. Two boys are born on the same night, one a Greek, the other a Turk, and fate makes them milk-siblings. The novel follows their life drawn on the canvas of the region’s unknown history. An entire era is brought to life in a unique way portraying prejudice alongside adventure, action, love, comical and tragic situations. In the shadow of the clock which strikes the Ottoman hours, Greeks, Turks and Jews live side by side. The shadow falls upon two friends, Liondos and Necip, a mysterious murder, grandpa Ismail, the small nation of Greece, the Ottoman Empire, Dogan the fanatic, conflicts, rebellions, everyday life, stone-throwing fights, Ramazan, coffee houses, hamams, the Turkish berde of Karagoz, smugglers, crofters, estate owners, wealth and poverty and the sweetness and bitterness of life. For, there is a place for everything in the imaret of God.

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

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