Not to Paradise

Not to Paradise

Poem Collection

Όχι στον παράδεισο

Poem Collection Editors Note The miracle worker You have to become strong The pink Balloon About freedom The marsh of Doctrines Look for Education The same womb No to paradise Power Models The pie of the wises The environment of the austerity Creatures looking like man The insane Nero Magnanimous people Our children Technology above all thing Vain wars No resistance We have peace I'm afraid of this day What if you don't hear There were once towns The saviour To you I am speaking

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

Σχετικά Βιβλία

Searching for Thoth

Searching for Thoth

Όχι στον Παράδεισο

Όχι στον Παράδεισο

Truth is Mean

Truth is Mean

Αναζητώντας τον Θωθ

Αναζητώντας τον Θωθ

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