Food for Thought

Food for Thought

To Cook, to Think, to Give

There is nothing quite like mummy's cooking... It just has that extra special something. The only trouble with mummies' cooking is that rarely will they reveal the secret of their magic touch. Which is precisely what we are here to do: Stop over round the world in 70 dishes, to give you the insider's intimate tricks of the table. Τhis book is inspired by St. Catherine's passionate tradition of helping others, in the understanding that boundaries are there to be broken - in cuisine and culture alike. Hence, the proceeds go straight to charity, whilst mummies can finally save their souls from childish grumbling about the monotony of fish-fingers. Εach classic and eclectic recipe is donated by a St. Catherine's parent from his or her respective country - from Argentina to wales to New Zealand - in eloquent English, loud and clear. No tongue-twisting jargon, no science experiments to blemish the kitchen. Just the world on a plate, before your eyes, before you know it. Served, we hope, with a sprinkle of food for thought. (Yanni Vassilioy, Class of '93)

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