Grammar and Practice for ECCE

Grammar and Practice for ECCE

Certificate of Competency: Teacher's Book

This grammar book contains grammar analysis and theory plus Michigan type items for the ECCE. Key Features: Michigan type grammar tests at the end of each chapter for additional review and consolidation.

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

Σχετικά Βιβλία

8 MSU Practice Examinations for the CELP C2 Level, Student's book

8 MSU Practice Examinations for the CELP C2 Level, Student's book

Sylvia Kar Publications
Michigan ECPE, Speaking, Listening, Writing

Michigan ECPE, Speaking, Listening, Writing

Sylvia Kar Publications
Final Review Examinations for the Michigan Proficiency

Final Review Examinations for the Michigan Proficiency

Sylvia Kar Publications
Michigan Proficiency Words you Need

Michigan Proficiency Words you Need

Sylvia Kar Publications
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