The Adventure of Father Evangelos

The Adventure of Father Evangelos

Η περιπέτεια του παπά-Ευάγγελου

Father Evangelos is assigned to celebrate the Divine Liturgy of a major feast for the parish of the neighboring Upper Village. On his way there, many unforeseen things happen. Will he make it out of the snowed-in forest safe and sound, and will he get to the Upper Village at the right time for the Divine Liturgy? A festive story that will bring joy to younger and older Christians alike.

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

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Η γιαγιά και το πρόσφορο

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Εκδόσεις Ποταμίτου
243.185 Βιβλία
122.584 Συντελεστές
4.631 Εκδότες
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