41 and a Half Kisses from Mr Leroi

41 and a Half Kisses from Mr Leroi

A Novel

Vera meets the protagonist of her life for the first time in a dream. Untamed, eccentric and charming, Constantinos is a famous actor who lives in Paris. The dreams continue and, thanks to them, Vera is able to write the book she always dreamed of. When she meets him in real life, a strange intimacy grows between them. In Germany, where the shooting of the film based on the book takes place, these two will live a powerful love story, full of mystery and unexpected developments. But, the book and the film prove to be prophetic and a nightmare is lurking. Horrendous crimes will be committed. Love and death will march hand in hand in an exciting breathtaking journey, full of twists, revelations and pain. Will they ever discover that behind dreams, beyond love, beyond fear and pain, there is a truth that is called life? A book about the redemptive power of love and art.

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