Ελλάς - Ταξιδιωτικοί οδηγοί


Axon Εκδοτική (2000)


Αδάμ - Πέργαμος (2001)

Cefalonia, Itaca

Αδάμ - Πέργαμος

Cefalonia, Itaca

Toubi's (1997)

Cefalonia e Itaca

Κέδρος (1991)


Axon Εκδοτική (2000)


Αδάμ - Πέργαμος (2001)


Αδάμ - Πέργαμος


Αδάμ - Πέργαμος

Best of Greece Hotels and Congress Facilities

Europress Media Group (2005)

Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τις εκτιμήσεις του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Τουρισμού ότι η τουριστική βιομηχανία θα είναι ο ταχύτερα αναπτυσσόμενος τομέας της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας κατά την επόμενη εικοσαετία, και θεωρώντας τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες της Αθήνας ως το ξεκίνημα μιας νέας εποχής για τον Ελληνικό Τουρισμό, η εταιρία "Europress Publications", βασιζόμενη στην πολυετή της πείρα στον χώρο της προβολής της ξενοδοχειακής και γενικότερα τουριστικής υποδομής της χώρας μας μέσα από το διεθνές περιοδικό "European Business" και σε συνεργασία με το Υπουργείο Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης και την ΗΑΤ...


Toubi's (2006)


Αδάμ - Πέργαμος (1999)


Αδάμ - Πέργαμος (1999)

Athens and Beyond: 30 Day Trips & Weekends

Athens News (2003)

"In the old days, even fifteen years ago, you had to be tough to venture into most of Greece's mountains. And I don't mean just to walk or hike amongst the glorious peaks or verdant upper pastures. Surviving the nights in a bleak, unheated room required even sterner stuff. We faced the nights with the help of a small potbellied stove and immoderate quantities of rough local wine. But these days one doesn't have to suffer. There are signs that a revolution is taking place in formerly remote mountain regions". Whether in hot pursuit of a rumoured revival in the mounta...

Athens - Attica

Κέδρος (1991)


Toubi's (1997)


Mediterraneo Editions (2004)

The beginnings of the story of Athens are lost in the depths of prehistory. The summit of the hill of the Acropolis already acquired its fortress-like form during the Mycenaean period, becoming the seat of a supreme ruler. The names of many mythical kings, such as Cecrops and Aegeus, are connected with the early phase of this area, while the Athenians believed that King Theseus founded the city of Athens around 1300 BC. In 460, Pericles became "strategos" and began an ambitious programme of the beautification of the city and especially of the Acropolis, while at the same t...


Anagnosis (2006)

In the series "Greece Beyond the Guidebooks", the author takes you beneath the veneer of tourist cliches and dry guidebook facts to expose some of the stories and curiosities which make each locality the unique and fascinating place it is. "Athens ... doesn't fail to give you information ... that many guidebooks find too hot to handle ... plenty of nitty-gritty details ... that cannot fail to amuse." (Athens News) "They are the kind of books that may remind you of your favorite history teacher, the one who told you the interesting and strange pieces of history that the te...

Athènes - Attique

Κέδρος (1991)

Athènes - Attique

Κέδρος (1991)
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