Αθήνα - Οδηγοί

Descubriendo Atenas

Gramma (2005)

Una iglesia bizantina con columnas de la Grecia Antigua... Un edificio romano dentro de un recinto del periodo arcaico... La arquitectura urbanistica de los 60 junto a odeones del ano 160 d.C... Asi de sencillo, una vuelta por el centro de Atenas se convierte en una clase de historia. Puede que los monumentos parezcan estar "apretujados", puede que el cemento quite algo de la magia de alrededor, pero la ciudad siempre encuentra la manera para encantar a sus habitantes y a los extrajeros... Esta guia describe los circuitos mas interesantes en el centro de la ciudad -sus part...

Découvrir Athènes

Gramma (2005)

Une eglise byzantine avec des colonnes grecques anciennes... Un batiment romain dans un enclos des temps archaiques... L' architecture bourgeoise des annees '60 a cote des conservatoires de 160 avant J- C... Donc, si simplement, la promenade au centre d' Athenes est aussi un cours d' histoire. Meme si les monuments semblent serres entre aux la plupart des fois et le beton vole une part de la magie, la ville trouve toujours la facon de seduire tant les gens du pays que les etrangers... Ce guide decrit les itineraires les plus importants au centre de la ville - ses cotes hist...

Colour Athens

Colour Greece (2016)

Το Colour Athens είναι ένας εναλλακτικός ταξιδιωτικός οδηγός σχεδιασμένος για τους ταξιδιώτες που είναι έτοιμοι να ανακαλύψουν την Αθήνα με έναν πρωτότυπο τροόπο. Περιηγηθείτε στο ιστορικό κέντρο, νιώστε τη μοναδική ατμόσφαιρα της πόλης, ανακαλύψτε υπέροχα μέρη και δώστε τους ζωή και χρώμα με τη φαντασία σας. Αφήστε στην άκρη τους κανόνες, πάρτε τα μολύβια σας και χρωματίστε τη δική σας Αθήνα. Σας ευχόμαστε ένα μοναδικό και πολύχρωμο ταξίδι!

Best of Athens

Athens Voice (2004)

Τι σε κάνει να αγαπάς μια πόλη; Οι μυρωδιές της. Τα μυστικά της περάσματα. Τα χρώματά της. Οι μικροκαβάτζες της. Ένας δρόμος τη νύχτα. Ένας δρόμος το σούρουπο. Τα λάθη της και οι αφίσες της. Μια σκάλα, ένα υπέροχο γλυκό, ένα κορίτσι που κλαίει. Ο καλύτερος τρόπος να αγαπήσεις την Αθήνα είναι να ανακαλύψεις τους κώδικές της και να αναγνωρίσεις την καλή της πλευρά (κι όμως υπάρχει). Το "Best of Athens" κατέγραψε και παρουσιάζει όχι μόνο τα καλύτερα Καλύτερα της πόλης αλλά και τα καλύτερα Χειρότερα.

Best of Athens

Athens Voice (2004)

What makes you love a city? Its scents. Its secret passages. Its colors. Its scams. A street at night. A street at nightfall. Its flaws and billboards. A flight of steps, a tempting dessert, a crying little girl. The best way to love Athens is to decode the signals it sends and its good side will immediately reveal itself before your eyes (it's out there, really). "Best of Athens" sums up and presents not only the best of The Best of the city, but also the best of The Worst.


Toubi's (2006)

Athens Guide 2004

Αθηνόραμα (2004)

It includes information about: -Athens: A profile -Olympic Athens -A journey through history -Culture, art -Shopping -A night on the town -Leisure time etc.

Athens by Neighborhood

Ελληνικά Γράμματα (2001)

Athens and Attica Archaeological Outings

Κέδρος (1997)

Athens 48

Κιτσινέλης Σπύρος Χρ. - NightLab Publications (2015)

Α short guide to 48 historical hot spots of Athens. Giving no more than a paragraph of information per entry, this guide was put together in order to help visitors get some knowledge on the various historical sites and buildings with minimum effort and time spent.

Athens (Japanese)

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Athens (Chinese)

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Athens - Attica

Ευσταθιάδης Group (1998)


Toubi's (1997)


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (2000)


Εμβέλεια Εκδοτική (2004)

This is a useful, handy and reliable guide map with tourist and historic information about Athens, Piraeus and surroundings. It contains historic and tourist information, 42 detailed maps, scale 1:12.000, as well as information regarding all the Olympic facilities, along with a street index, a list of useful phone-numbers and other information.


Explorer (2004)

- Tour the Acropolis of Athens, monument of the World Cultural Heritage. - Tour the Athenian ancient agora step by step, learning the history of the Athenian State, the first democracy of the world. - Learn about Kerameikos, the public cemetery of Athens, and birthplace of Attic ceramics and pottery painting. - Read about the Theatre of Dionysus, the Herodes Atticus Odeion, the Panathenaic Stadium. - Visit the National Archeological Museum, one of the most important museums of the world, as well as the rest of Athenian museums, thus knowing the classical civilization in...


Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2004)

The city's history from prehistoric times, the archaic and classical periods through the byzantine era -The history of the city's buildings and most important monuments -The most important exhibits at the Acropolis Museum and the National Archaeological Museum -Reconstructions of the ancient monuments depicting how what we see now looked then.


Anagnosis (2002)

The modern suburbs of Athens, stretching from the sea to the foot of the mountains which surround the city, present a singularly uninviting aspect to the casual visitor: a concrete jungle, devoid of charm or interest. Yet in 'Athens: The Suburbs' the reader is led beyond the appearances of this seemingly featureless conurbation to reveal some of the historical memories, tales, and the folk traditions, which lie buried beneath the surface. In Athens: The Suburbs read stories about Kifissia, Maroussi, Pendeli, Halandri, Filothei, Kaisariani, Papagou, Dafni, Haidari, Koryd...


Anagnosis (2002)

The monuments and sites in the centre of Athens are among the most visited and best known in the world. Yet whether it is the Olympic Stadium, the old Parliament Building, or the Acropolis itself, in "Athens: The City" the reader will read new stories and find a fresh perspective on the history (ancient and modern), the myths, legends, folklore and politics of one of the most fascinating cities in the world. This volume includes stories about the Acropolis, Areopagos Hill, Thesion Hill, Pnyx Hill, Museion Hill, the Ilissos Quarter, the Palace Quarter, the Cathedral Quarter...

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