

Κ. Ωραιοπούλου 34 Ν. Ηράκλειο 141 21

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Hotel Miranda 50 χρόνια

Στεφανίδη (2011)

Ένα παλιό Υδρέικο σπίτι, ένας απλός κήπος με γιασεμιά, μια αυλή πέτρινη σε χρώμα κόκκινο και λίγα σκαλοπάτια. Αυτά τα λίγα ένωσαν κάτω απ' τον ήλιο τον χρυσό με νήματα σταθερά ανθρώπους απ' όλον τον κόσμο. Αυτό είναι το μυστικό μας. Μιράντα

Gods in Love

Στεφανίδη (2009)

Greek gods were humans with miraculous powers - and they used them to the full to seek love and escape its consequences. Among the characters in this first volume are a shepherd granted immortality to make love to the moon, a princess ravished by a clinging vine, a queen made pregnant by a bull, a dying lover turned into a flower and a nymph transformed into a constellation. Sometimes love goes unrequited: a young man dies because he cannot kiss his own reflection and a reluctant nymph becomes a tree. The ancient gods are gone, their temples long in ruins - yet their miracl...

Gods in Love

Στεφανίδη (2009)

Love takes more strange forms in these further tales from Greek mythology: a god becomes a swan to win a queen, a sculptor sees the statue of his ideal woman come to life, a princess is made pregnant by a shower of golden rain and a couple turned to stone as they consummate their marriage. There is snow in summer Athens as the North Wind claims his bride, a failed attempt to rescue a dead lover from the underworld, the lures of naked Sirens and day turned into night as a god impersonates a bridegroom. Everything is possible when the gods of ancient Greece make love.

Beauty and the Swan

Σίγμα (1994)
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