

Θέση Νίσιζα Καρέλας 194 00 Κορωπί T.Θ. 209

210 6029974

Greaca mitologia

Toubi's (1995)

Grčka mitologija

Toubi's (1995)


Toubi's (2006)

Graesk mytologi

Toubi's (1999)


Toubi's (2007)

Görög mitologia

Toubi's (1995)

From Olympia to Athens

Toubi's (2004)

A fantastic journey in the time and the place of the Olympic Games, via exceptionally fine photographic works of older times. Embarking upon our journey in 776 B.C., from the birthplace of the games, Olympia, we arrive in Athens of 1896, on the site of the Panathinaiko stadium. In a year when the Olympic Games return to their birthplace, this book pays tribute not just to the athletes but also the people of ancient Greece, whom we witness come to life before our very eyes, touching our souls and transferring us into the atmosphere of another era.

Euboea and Skyros

Toubi's (2005)


Toubi's (2006)

[...] In this guidebook we present the history and geography of this region in a synoptic fashion. Here you can learn the basic guidelines for a magical tour of the history and nature of the "land of the mountains," of which the early-19th-century French traveller Francois Pouqueville wrote "the inexhaustible combination of the ways used by Divine Providence to achieve her aim, appears here so wonderfully, that if we wanted to give Epirus the name most fitting, we would have to call it the "miniature of all landscapes, of all climates''.

Dodecaneso isole

Toubi's (1995)

Dodecanese Islands

Toubi's (1994)

Dodécanèse iles

Toubi's (1995)

Die inseln der Dodekanes

Toubi's (1994)

Die Akropolis von Athen

Toubi's (2004)

[...] In dem vorliegenden Fuhrer werden die Mythen berichtet, die mit der Akropolis verbunden sind, der Gang der Geschichte dargestellt und das archaologische Gelande, das Museum und die umliegenden Monumente und Heiligtumer eingehend beschrieben. Die Fotografien, Plane und Zeichnungen erleichtern den Rundgang auf dem machtigen Fels der Athena, der durch die Jahrhunderte ein Symbol des klassischen Geistes war.

Der Wein vom alten Griechenland bis heute

Toubi's (2008)


Toubi's (2000)


Toubi's (2000)

A rich and practical guide to: - The Myth of the oracle - The oracle - The Archaelogical Site - The Archaeologhical Museum


Toubi's (2005)


Toubi's (2005)
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