New Editions

New Editions

Τ. Θ. 761 01 171 10 Νέα Σμύρνη

210 9883156

Black Beauty

New Editions (2007)

When I was four years old, a rich man called Squire Gordon said to my master, "This is a good horse. I think he is old enough to ride now". "I'll teach him. I don't want anyone to hurt him", said my master. He gave me tasty oats and he spoke kindly. Then he put a bit between my teeth. It was horrible! I learnt to wear a saddle on my back, too.

Alice in Wonderland

New Editions (2004)

Aladdin and the Lamp

New Editions (2004)

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New Editions (2008)

Access to FCE

New Editions (2008)
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