Καλογεράκη Στέλλα


Mediterraneo Editions (2007)

Cretan Cookery

Mediterraneo Editions (2005)

Handed down by word of mouth and from mother to daughter, the secrets of traditional Cretan cookery have been preserved intact to this day. These are recipes based on the purest Cretan products - olive oil, wild greens, fresh dairy products, meat, fish and pulses - and bear witness to the close relationship of Cretan cookery with the famous "Mediterranean Diet". The main constituent of the latter - olive oil -occupies the key position in Cretan cookery and contributes decisively towards the assurance of good health and the longevity of the Cretan people. It is not by chance...


Mediterraneo Editions (2003)


Mediterraneo Editions (2003)


Mediterraneo Editions (2003)


Mediterraneo Editions (2003)


Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

Near Rethymnon in the heart of Crete, a plateau in the shadow of sacred Mt. Ida covered in beautiful pine trees was chosen during the early Christian years as the site for Arkadi Monastery. The access routes and the wider area have been generously endowed by Mother Nature, history, and culture preparing the traveller, the visitor, and the pilgrim for the grandiose picture of the Monastery that they are to be confronted with. A monument of architecture, culture and history, this Monastery with its grand church facade, strong intellectual tradition, wealth of artistic creativ...


Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

A Rethymno, au coeur de la Crete, un plateau, ombrage par le mont sacre de l'Ida et d'admirables pinedes, fut choisi des les premieres annees du christianisme pour abriter le monastere d'Arkadi. Les itineraires d'approche et la region environnante, richement dotees par la nature, l'histoire et la civilisation, impressionnent le visiteur, le pelerin, le periegete et le preparent au majestueux tableau qu'il aura bientot sous les yeux. Monument architectural, culturel et historique, ce monastere, avec la majestueuse facade de son eglise, sa tradition sprituelle superieure, sa...


Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

Je Rethymon, in het hartje van Kreta, werd al in het oudchristelijke tijdperk de hoogvlakte in de schaduw van de pijnbomen en van de Heilige Idi-berg, uitverkoren als plek voor het Arkadi-klooster. De routes erheen en de streek zelf zijn rijk aan natuurschoon, historie en cultuur. Dit alles inspireert de reiziger, bezoeker of pelgrim en bereidt hem voor op een imposante en interessante bezienswaardigheid. Het klooster is een architectonisch, cultureel en historich monument; de majestueuze facade van de kloosterkerk, de verheven gesstelijke tradittie, de vele artistieke sch...

14 Recettes de cuisine grecque

Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

14 Griekse recepten

Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

14 Griechische Rezepte

Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

14 Greek Recipes

Mediterraneo Editions (2002)
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