Γρίβας Κωνσταντίνος Ν.

Progress 3, 4

Grivas Publications (1996)

Progress 1, 2

Grivas Publications (1996)

Preparation and Practice Tests for the ΚΠΓ B2

Grivas Publications (2009)

Σκοπός του βιβλίου δεν είναι μόνο η πλήρης ενημέρωση και εξοικείωση του υποψηφίου με τη δομή και τα κριτήρια γνώσεων που απαιτούνται για την απόκτηση του Κρατικού Πιστοποιητικού Γλωσσομάθειας στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα αλλά και η εξάσκησή του σε όλες τις δεξιότητες για να αποκτήσει καλή γνώση (επίπεδο Β2) ώστε οι γνώσεις του να θεωρηθούν επικοινωνιακά επαρκείς και έτσι να πιστοποιηθεί η γλωσσομάθειά του. Στα Practice Tests αυτού του βιβλίου καλύπτονται πολλαπλώς όλοι οι τύποι δοκιμασιών, οι οποίοι ακολουθούν την τυπολογία που υιοθετεί το Κρατικό Πιστοποιητικό Γλωσσομάθειας, καθ...

Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test: Student's Book

Grivas Publications (2010)

Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test will familiarize candidates with the new format of the examination through comprehensive preparation units and eight practice tests, all written in accordance with the latest specifications. Key features: - Step-by-step analysis of the material and question styles in each section of the examination, followed by practical advice on how to approach them. Preparation units targeting key problem areas for Greek students, while building up essential language skills. These units include: - Grammar: - Comprehensive the...

Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test: Companion and Answer Key

Grivas Publications (2010)

Preparation and Practice Tests for the TOEIC Test will familiarize candidates with the new format of the examination through comprehensive preparation units and eight practice tests, all written in accordance with the latest specifications. Key features: - Step-by-step analysis of the material and question styles in each section of the examination, followed by practical advice on how to approach them. Preparation units targeting key problem areas for Greek students, while building up essential language skills. These units include: - Grammar: - Comprehensive the...

Practice Tests for the Michigan ECCE

Grivas Publications (2003)

Practice tests for the Michigan ECCE contains six complete practice tests for the University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English. The tests are representative of what students will encouter in the examination itself. Included in the tests are all the language phenomena which are frequently tested, and which are considered essential for success in examinations at this level. The tests were written following thorough research into past examinations.

Oral and Listening Practice 2

Grivas Publications (1994)

"Oral and listening practice", book 1 (class D) and book 2 (class E) present an exhaustive and interesting range of tasks, inclusive of exercises based on authentic material. The 25 units in each book contain: -everyday conversations -place and character descriptions -telephone conversations and answering machine messages -radio and TV talks, programmes, interviews, weather forecasts, news broadcasts, sports commentaries, etc. -application forms, coupons, cards etc. -timetables and charts -road maps, building plans, diagrams, directions etc. -news headlines, TV gu...

Oral and Listening Practice 1

Grivas Publications (1994)

"Oral and listening practice", book 1 (class D) and book 2 (class E) present an exhaustive and interesting range of tasks, inclusive of exercises based on authentic material. The 25 units in each book contain: -everyday conversations -place and character descriptions -telephone conversations and answering machine messages -radio and TV talks, programmes, interviews, weather forecasts, news broadcasts, sports commentaries, etc. -application forms, coupons, cards etc. -timetables and charts -road maps, building plans, diagrams, directions etc. -news headlines, TV gu...

Oral and Listening Practice 1

Grivas Publications (1994)

"Oral and listening practice", book 1 (class D) and book 2 (class E) present an exhaustive and interesting range of tasks, inclusive of exercises based on authentic material. The 25 units in each book contain: -everyday conversations -place and character descriptions -telephone conversations and answering machine messages -radio and TV talks, programmes, interviews, weather forecasts, news broadcasts, sports commentaries, etc. -application forms, coupons, cards etc. -timetables and charts -road maps, building plans, diagrams, directions etc. -news headlines, TV gu...

Open up through English 2

Grivas Publications (1997)

Open up through English 1

Grivas Publications (1997)

On Course Plus For the Mich ECCE & Cambr.FC

Grivas Publications (2008)

On Course For The Michigan ECPE + Companion

Grivas Publications (2008)

On Course FCE

Grivas Publications (2008)

New Generation: Michigan ECPE Practice Tests: Student's Book

Grivas Publications (2010)

New Generation Practice Tests for the Michigan ECPE aims to help candidates achieve their objective by giving them not only adequate examination practice, but also a systematic review of the language encountered at proficiency level. Key features are: - Additional practice in Grammar, covering 500 grammatical points, to ensure that candidates are prepared for any grammatical phenomena they may encounter in the exam. - Additional Vocabulary practice, covering over 3,500 words, presented alphabetically, to help candidates deal with the problematic vocabulary section by...

New Generation: Michigan ECPE Practice Tests: Companion

Grivas Publications (2009)

New Generation Practice Tests for the Michigan ECPE aims to help candidates achieve their objective by giving them not only adequate examination practice, but also a systematic review of the language encountered at proficiency level. Key features are: - Additional practice in Grammar, covering 500 grammatical points, to ensure that candidates are prepared for any grammatical phenomena they may encounter in the exam. - Additional Vocabulary practice, covering over 3,500 words, presented alphabetically, to help candidates deal with the problematic vocabulary section by...

New Generation Pract.Tests Plus ECCE & Fc Companio

Grivas Publications (2008)

New Generation ECCE-FCE Pract.Tests Plus 2008

Grivas Publications (2008)

Michigan ECCE

Grivas Publications (2000)

Michigan ECCE Practice Tests contains three complete practice tests for the University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English. The tests are representative of what students will encounter in the examination itself. Included in the tests are all the language phenomena which are frequently tested, and which are considered essential for success in examinations at this level. The tests were written following thorough research into past examinations. [...]

Michigan ECCE

Grivas Publications (2001)

Michigan ECCE Practice Tests contains three complete practice tests for the University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English. The tests are representative of what students will encounter in the examination itself. Included in the tests are all the language phenomena which are frequently tested, and which are considered essential for success in examinations at this level. The tests were written following thorough research into past examinations. [...]

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