Μπαλαρή - Πετριανίδη Λίνα

Scientific English in Applied Mathematics and Physics

Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών (2019)

The book Scientific English in Applied Mathematics & Physics is written for the students of the School of Applied Sciences in the National Technical University of Athens. Through o variety of scientific texts, cover letter and CV/resume samples, as well as grammar revision exercises, it aims at introducing students to the scientific English reading, writing and speaking skills.

English for Information Technology

Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών (2017)

The book English for Information Technology version 2 is written for students of IT and Computing. It aims at introducing students to the scientific English reading, writing and speaking skills. It contains a variety of scientific texts, cover letter and CV samples, tips for writing technical reports and presentations as well as issues of grammar and exercises. The book is accompanied by a English - Greek vocabulary.

English for electrical and computer engineering

Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών (2016)

The textbook "English for electrical and computer enginneering" is primarily intended for students of Electrical Engineering and it represents a valuable resource for an ESP course. It explores various aspects of language expression that is manifested in spoken and written electrical engineering discourses. It focuses on broad range of electrical engineering topics taken from reliable resources. It is geared towards expanding the students’ vocabulary thereby developing both their receptive and productive skills. More precisely, the textbook comprises twenty three careful...

English for Economics and Business

Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών (2014)

English for Economics and Business is a textbook for students studying Economics, Business Administration, Marketing, Accounting and Finance. It aims at introducing students to the scientific language of the above fields, encompassing many aspects that range from macroeconomics to human resources, purchasing and corporate social responsibility. It contains a variety of scientific texts with comprehension, vocabulary and language development exercises, cover letter and CV/resume samples, tips for writing technical reports and presentations as well as issues of grammar wit...

Η μυστική αρμονία

myedition.gr (2012)

Η αρμονία βρίσκεται παντού. Πίσω από το τόξο που τεντώνει το βέλος, πίσω από τον βράχο που τον τρώει το κύμα, πίσω από τη μέλισσα που ρουφάει το νέκταρ από το λουλούδι. Κρυμμένη πίσω από την πάλη και την τελική ισορροπία των αντιθέτων.

Η μυστική αρμονία

myedition.gr (2012)

Η αρμονία βρίσκεται παντού. Πίσω από το τόξο που τεντώνει το βέλος, πίσω από τον βράχο που τον τρώει το κύμα, πίσω από τη μέλισσα που ρουφάει το νέκταρ από το λουλούδι. Κρυμμένη πίσω από την πάλη και την τελική ισορροπία των αντιθέτων.

English for Information Technology

Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών (2010)

The book "English for Information Technology" is written for students of IT and Computing. It aims at introducing students to the scientific English reading, writing and speaking skills It contains a variety of scientific texts, cover letter and CV sam-ples, tips for writing technical reports and presentations as well as issues of grammar and exercises.

An Approach to Technical English

Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών (2003)

"An approach to technical English" is a book written for the students of the following Schools in the National Technical University of Athens: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Naval Engineering. Through a variety of authentic technical texts, cover letter and CV/resume samples, as well as grammar revision exercises, it aims at introducing students to the scientific English reading, writing and speaking skills. The book is accompanied by a Greek - English and English - Greek vocabulary.

Scientific English in Applied Mathematics and Physics

Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών (2003)

The book "Scientific English in Applied Mathematics & Physics" is written for the students of the School of Applied Sciences in the National Technical University of Athens. Through o variety of scientific texts, cover letter and CV/resume samples, as well as grammar revision exercises, it aims at introducing students to the scientific English reading, writing and speaking skills. The book is accompanied by an English-Greek vocabulary.

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