Κιρκιλέση Ευφροσύνη

An Immortal Hero whose Memory will Live On

Όστρια Βιβλίο (2020)

Sunday, January 24, 2016. The sky is overcast, full of dark clouds, and it seems like the pent-up pain of 42 years of waiting nested inside it. It’s 11 a.m. and the church bell of Evangelistria, in Monastery village of Malevizi rings mourning to welcome the hero Nikolaos Kavrochorianos who returned to his birthplace. Finally, he came back. Dead but Immortal! A smile of pride was faintly visible on all faces, while tears of vindication were coursing down from their eyes for Nikos’ soul. He would finally rest in peace buried beside his parents and his younger brother Zachari...

Eros and Cosmos

Όστρια Βιβλίο (2019)

Η δίκη

Όστρια Βιβλίο (2019)
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